Carpet Cleaning Sydney – Handling the Worst Carpet Stains

Carpets bring a unique cosiness, warmth style to any home or office but you really have to be careful. Stains can lead to ruin unless you give them the kind of expert carpet cleaning Sydney professionals are renowned for. Here’s your guide to the worst types of stains.

Do you like to give parties? Do you have young children or pets? If so, you’re far more likely than most people to suffer from stained carpets. Here’s why.

Red Wine

Red wine is great for getting a party going but disastrous for carpets. If one of your guests spills some Cabernet Sauvignon over the Axminster, you should deal with it as soon as possible. Blotting the stain with a thick damp cloth is the best way but don’t rub as the stain will just go deeper into the carpet. When the party’s over, check the patch to see if it needs professional cleaning.


If you’ve ever watched an episode of CSI you know what blood can do to a carpet. Again, mopping up the area with a thick cloth soaked in cold water is the first aid remedy. Organic substances such as blood should really be treated by experts.

Pet Urine

The bane of cat and dog owners, urine stains emit such a stench that you almost want to take the carpet outside and burn it. Resist such an impulse as there are solutions. Blot with a damp cloth immediately and call in the experts.

Chewing Gum

If the gum is still soft, harden it with some ice. Then pull it off. You may need to break it up with some tool. Call in a professional cleaner if it’s stubborn.

After cleaning each of the above stains, vacuum your carpets to remove any lingering debris and be sure to check they’re completely dry. If the stain persists, you should have it treated by professionals.

Even if your carpets don’t have any serious stains, you should still have regular professional carpet cleaning. Sydney experts can clean your carpets down to the roots and give them a whole new lease of life.

When you want fresh and healthy carpets, call Always Fresh Carpets on 1300 388 837.

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